If you feel drawn, please click on the Washington Kids in Transition Donation link and donate to this amazing cause and to make an incredible impact on a child’s current situation and the future they envision for themselves. We were determined to do our part to raise awareness of these worthy causes. Washington Kids in Transition helps support homeless children so that they can be successful through this very hard transitional period in their lives and be prepared for success as they move forward and beyond this difficult time for them and their family.

They provide Washington kids in homeless situations with temporary accommodation vouchers and rental deposits, access to free clothing, food, personal care items and educational support. This organization is unique and amazing on so many levels.

Washington Kids in Transition has offered support to countless homeless children in Washington. We all got the opportunity to meet Kim Gorney, the founder of Washington Kids in Transition. WMST‘s Chris Johnson spoke about the value of rider training and discussed braking on a motorcycle with ABS versus without ABS. The Washington Motorcycle Safety Training Instructor team demonstrated some riding tips for safer riding.

This talented group has been providing awe-inspiring entertainment on 1930’s to 1940’s Harley Davidson motorcycles since 1938. We were entertained by two 20 minute shows performed by the amazing Seattle Cossacks. We wanted to take a moment to shine the light on the important work and mission of Washington Kids in Transition, the worthy cause we chose to support. This event was organized to raise awareness of motorcycle safety and promote the Washington Traffic Safety Commission’s Target Zero program in May, during Motorcycle Safety Awareness month. Sorry, but Wordpress will only show a maximum of 50 followers at a time here.WMST, Seattle Cossacks, First Financial Bank Northwest, and Washington Kids in Transition had a great time executing the live streaming inaugural Target Zero for Heroes event on May 22, 2021. Ultra Limited USA USAF USMC Utah VET Veteran Washington Water Waves Wyoming Yellowstone National Park
American American Biker American Flag Antiques Arizona Army Beach Biker Boat Boats Bridge Bridges Brotherhood California Camping Cave Creek AZ Challenge coin Classic Car Clouds Coast Guard Coin Colorado Colorado River Custom Bike Custom Motorcycle Dam Flag Flags FLHTK Florida Flowers Food General Store Harley-Davidson Harley-Davidson Dealers Harley Owners Group Hideaway Grill Historic Sites HOG Honor Hwy 101 Idaho In Memory of Integrity Kentucky Lakes Las Vegas NV Montana Motorcycle Motorcycle Accessories Motorcycle Clothing Motorcycle Collectibles Motorcycle Events Motorcycle Helmet Motorcycle Maintenance Motorcycle Milestones Motorcycle Parking Motorcycle Rides Motorcycles Motorcycle Tires Motorcycle Vest Mountains National Parks Navy Nevada New Mexico Ohio Old Buildings Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) Pacific Ocean Pennsylvania Phoenix Phoenix AZ Rain Respect Restaurant River Route 66 Scenic View Scottsdale AZ Seligman AZ Ships South Dakota sturgis Sturgis SD The Bikers Code Trip Planning U.S.A.